Ballyphehane’s Cherry Blossom Festival

In April each year, Ballyphehane Tidy Towns host our very own Cherry Blossom Festival.

Cherry Blossoms line many streets around Ballyphehane, making for a familiar sight of pink flower-lined roads and paths once the flowers start to fall. The national flower of Japan, the cherry blossom – or Sakura, represents a time of renewal and optimism, which spring brings.

Throughout the weekend, an array of activities awaits, including the rhythmic Ceili dancing, enlightening graveyard tours, and engaging tile making workshops. We also come together for our cherished annual big spring clean, where we collectively rejuvenate our surroundings

To culminate the festivities, a grand community picnic takes center stage. The air resonates with live music from talented emerging musicians hailing from Cork, while children revel in the excitement of face painting and exhilarating games. We go beyond entertainment and nurture the next generation's green thumbs by teaching them the art of planting seeds and cultivating their own plants at home. Additionally, a bake sale at the community picnic helps us in our fundraising endeavors.